Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Riding with the Queen

So here is my co-pilot,my navigator,my passenger, my eyes-on-the road,my riding companion,
my girl, my queen,Pepper.
She loves to watch the road ahead.Not for her the traditional dog position with head stuck out of the window.She is up-front and ears back.What you can't see is the lake of drool that falls from those chops as we motor along.I have taken to putting a plastic bag over the seat and console because I was getting embarrassed as people climbed into the passenger seat only to see suspicious wet patches and puddles of mouth water pooling. So here we are off to park for a walk and a sniff and a poop and bark and a wag and lolling of tongue.Nothing could be better on a nice day.And while we were there check out the wicked wild life we found in a stream that feeds into the park's big lake. Snapping Turtle.

Big enough to pull down a duckling and mean enough to have a go at the parents too. Of course Pepper didn't notice. Too busy getting a sniffing high from a bunch of weeds growing at the edge of the stream.That Turtle was looking a little hungry though. Wonder if he's be ambitious enough for dog?