Sunday, March 17, 2013

Park n bark

The weather was unseasonably beautiful last weekend so we made a spur of the moment decision to jump in the car and go for a long walk at a nearby park.
Pepper always acts weird in cars. She is so excited to get in and then a few minutes into the ride she starts giving out a strange quiet but high pitched whine almost like shes crying and I can never tell if its a happy whine or an unhappy one. I open all the windows on a theory that cabin pressure is uncomfortable for her even though we are flying at an altitude of maybe three feet with no turbulence in sight.
At the park she goes into a sniffing frenzy. Its like shes been dropped into the worlds
biggest collection of smells and shes in sensory overload. Shes so excited her bladder and bowels cant take it. Mr. Pickup is always on duty with a roll of hot pink bags.
Shes so excited she pays no attention to people. On our neighborhood walks she always
gets barky when strange people come into her view. Here in the park shes also about 80% unaware of other dogs. Only when they notice and react to her does her back suddenly grow a hump of stand up fur to indicate shed like to show some pooch or other whos the top dog. She is so happy to be discovering new and different smells that she is marking territory like crazy. A drop of pee here drop of pee there. Here a drop. There a drop. Its a wonder shes got any left. Probably doesnt. Probably just spraying pee scented air now. And then its time for home. Again she eagerly leaps into the car and off we go. 2 minutes later its wheeeeee! Whhhhhhheeeeeee! All the way home. And there she drinks a whole bowl of water and fall fast asleep.

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