Friday, April 19, 2013

Dog walks man

Sometimes I am the Homo Sapien or as David Bowie put it The Homo Superior. Other times she is much more Sapien than me, and way more Superior.
I can explain.
I’ve been able to get Pepper to the local park several times recently and do a little more intensive walking. I felt it would be good for both of us. We were both very unused to this level of exercise. At first I was walking her into the ground and when she came home she would just collapse in a heap. But recently she has taken a one hour route march around the park in her stride. While I have been feeling the pain she has been unwilling to get in the car at the end of her walk and instead wanted to go around one more time.At least one more time. Walking with Pepper in the park is now man versus mutt in a battle till the first one drops. It started off as a stop go stop go stop go kind of thing with Pepper
peeing and spraying every five feet and at the end of it I couldn’t believe there was a drop of urine left anywhere in her body. Now while she still goes into a sniffing frenzy for the first twenty minutes or so she soon calms down and goes into hard core walking mode.
At first any and all other dogs got her back up and her bark on. Now when she’s in the walk state they are all invisible to her.Now when we come back its me who collapses into a heap and falls into an achy snoring coma. She slurps up her bowl of water and wanders around waiting to get back in the car.
This dog was definitely made for walking.

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