Friday, April 26, 2013

Driving Miss Crazy

There she sprawls in the sunshine all relaxed and sleepy and butter wouldn’t melt in her mouth. But just an hour before she was a very different animal. A crazy beast on wheels. And here’s the reason. I have a leash that clicks into my car seat belt lock so I can drive her places safely. Or so the theory goes. However the leash is a little too long or the distance from my back seat to my front seat is too short I don’t know. All I do know is that when she is clipped in she can stand on my car’s console and be right there at my shoulder. And that’s exactly what she does criticizing my driving by whimpers and mini yips and impeding my driving by leaning on me and licking my face. I don’t know if you have ever had a full facial dog licking while driving at 40 miles per hour but I can tell you its a little hazardous. The speed cop we passed didn’t look too impressed but thankfully he stayed in barracuda mode and let me go by. Every time I turned Pepper leaned on me and at 70lbs that’s a significant weight making my steering the slightest bit wonky. And then it’s more howls yowls and doggie equivalents to having a nervous Nellie passenger telling you to slow down, slow DOWN, SLOW DOWN!
The weird thing is that on our return journey –we had been to the park for a walk-
she just hunches down on the console and makes no noise at all and my face stays
unlicked. Crazy are the ways of the hound.

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