Thursday, May 16, 2013

Doggie down

She looks like a Damien Hirst art piece doesn't she?  #25 Mondrian goes to the dogs.
The poor girl is a victim of her medication. It seems like so many humans, dogs can have
seasonal allergy issues too. Living in a swampy jungle with all kinds of flowering seeding and
spore-throwing plants she got an attack of the itchies which started her licking her lady bits until they
were red raw. After a few Benjamins spent at the vets she is now on a course of Prednisone and the effects are quite dramatic. Had I bothered to google it I wouldn't have been so surprised but she immediately started eating like a horse,drinking bowl after bowl of water and peeing like the boy statue in that Belgian fountain. To offset the potential for rapid weight gain I've been walking her long and regularly which results in what you see in the picture above. Collapse. That is until someone,anyone touches a bowl,opens a drawer or the fridge door or heaven forbid tries to prepare or find food for themselves.Like a zombie brought back to life  she then leaps into an animated frenzy followed by a
visual attack of the brown eyed guilts beamed straight to your heart when you don't give her more food.
Its a look that looks pitiful and at the same time menacing.Like she's thinking `I'll wait until you're asleep and eat your heart right out of your chest you mean bastard!' Not that i believe she's really thinking that. At least I hope not. Hmmmm! Looking at the side effects of Predisone I do see that behavioral change is one of them.Unexpected behavior change at that. The rest of the side effects read like human drug side effects ,leaky discharge,erections lasting more than four hours and death. Not really. Well I guess yes to death. When did medicine become so life threatening? Uh-oh she's waking up. Where did I put those doggie snacks?

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