Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Driving Miss Crazy part 2

 I have created a car monster. Pepper is now addicted to traveling in my car. She recognizes  the harness I use to lock her onto the back seat and goes into a tail-wagging frenzy if I even touch it.
She leaps into the car and stands up on the front console like a Star Trek captain.The whining and
strange yowling has subsided only to be replaced by a waterfall of drool. Unfortunately for me she doesn't understand that I might need to use the car for things other than transporting her. So now I am forced to sneak out or be faced with doggy disapproval staring out of the window at me.And when we do go walking my previously tireless companion now has a limit of a half hour and no longer. At that time she starts pulling me in the direction of the car.If I decide to keep walking then she puts her brakes on and has to be dragged,claws scraping on the ground,which makes all the little kids in the park point at me like I'm a dognapper.And if I happen to be busy during the day and have no opportunity to take her out she will literally dog me around the house or sit near me with a weary chin on the ground expression until I cave in and go get the harness. I see people driving around with dogs and their pets all seem to like sticking their heads out of the window. That's what all dogs are supposed to do.And very cute. Why can't mine be cute like that? No she wants to be in the driving seat. I have created a monster.

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