Friday, May 24, 2013

sleeping dogs lie.

I'm tired. I'm very very tired. Can't you see that I'm tired? I'm also hungry. I know that I ate the whole bowl of food you put out an hour ago but that was an hour ago and now I'm hungry.I'm just too tired to do anything about it. So I'm just going to lie here until I see you move towards anything that could be food and then I'll get up but until then I'm just going to stay right here.This rug is really comfortable.And cool. It's very humid outside and rainy and yucky. I like it better here in the air conditioning.I think i might close my eyes now and dream about those dogs we passed in the park yesterday.Those two big ones.One was a German shepherd and the other was a Malamut. Both of them
combined wouldn't make a half-wit. They thought they were so big and bossy and bark bark bark. Pricks. They were typical dogs.Oh look at me pee up against this tree.I would have barked back at them but I was so tired after walking in that heat and then it was going to rain and thunder.I was glad we were heading for the car while those two jumped up fur bags were just starting out. I hope they got soaking wet. Nothing like seeing those kind of dogs soaking wet.They look pathetic.So anyway,I'm going to snooze a bit now.But if you go to make a sandwich I'll be right there.But right now I'm just going to close one eye.Just one eye. Because I'm sooooo tired.

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