Thursday, May 30, 2013

mad englishmen and dogs again

It was 90 degrees.Fahrenheit. 90 degrees. I didn't know my tongue could loll out so far.
But when it's 90 degrees and you have no sweat glands and a guy pulling on your leash like its
a brisk day in April your body does weird things. I like a good walk.I do. And when he got out the going-in-the-car leash I was all for it wagging my tail and everything. But man when I got out of that vehicle it was like walking into a fire.I was all ready to wrap it up after five minutes.Poop,pee,sniff sniff sniff ok I'm good let's go.But oh no. Mr Madman has to do the full thirty five minute loop and inch by inch that tongue of mine was sliding out and flopping from side to side. He wasn't the only idiot out there with a dog.There were others and I'll remember them.I'm goiung to give them a good growling at next time I see them. How I made it back I do not know.I do know I left a lake of drool all over the console of his car.Not that its going to stop him. The weather tomorrow is due to be as brutal as today and I know he's going to want to do it again. I shudder at the thought. Not that he looked like a cool dude out there.He was sweatin' ugly I tell you. Red face,patches on his t-shirt,perspiring big blobs of sweat water. Yuck. But better than seeing him with his tongue out I guess. Oh my goodness am I ever going to cool down. It was 90 degrees.I can't believe we went out in it.

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