Sunday, February 17, 2013

A dog's tale

The little hair took me out this morning. I could tell he was cold. As I tasted the wind
and read the scents that lay captured in the ground and on the leaves all he could do was shiver. I do not feel the cold as he does and I was enjoying being out. Now dont get me wrong, he is not an unpleasant companion on these rambles. I try to be discrete when I excrete but he always makes a fuss about picking it up. I would rather it stay there as a scent beacon to all the animals around her to tell them who I am. I lay down my urine for the same reason but he doesnt pick that up. Inconsistent behavior. That is the big thing I have observed from living with my little hair family. We of the waving tail race read these signals and get confused. I saw the long horned ones with the white tails staring at me through the trees this morning. If I did not have the constraints of the leash that little hair ties around me I could chase them away. But I am confined to only bark and when I do that he tells me shush. Im still upset with him about my food. I eat what he puts out only when I know I have absolutely no alternatives. I follow him wherever there is a chance for crumbs or scraps and I will not be made to feel guilty. We who walk on four must get the best whenever we can.I feel the air crisp and blue on my tongue and I know the snow will not come now. I wish I could tell him this but our communication is quite limited. He makes a noise that must be the name he gives me. I recognize it because he says it frequently. It is time for us to return to our home. I know I just woke up but I could use a good nap.

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