Sunday, February 10, 2013

Snow going

A lot of snow has fallen around here and the walking is a little treacherous. But we are game for a little walk in the freezing morning air. It's always surprising how a snowfall can change the landscape
and our perception of it. I am always dazzled by the brilliance of the light and how almost painfully bright it is. Pepper is always a little perturbed by the change in the smell patterns that she sniffs out so intensely. Whatever animals have passed by they have left no tracks but there must be a vapor trail because Pepper has her snout in the air sniffing the breeze. One worry is the snowplow. When she was a little puppy not more than 6 months old I took her walking after a heavy snow.The roads had not been cleared and the snow was about a foot and a half deep. Slow plodding steps for me.Kangaroo bounces through the white fluffy cold stuff for Pepper. We had walked about half a mile when the `weep' `weep' `weep' sound of a big township snowplow came towards us. Pepper began to freak out.Either the frequency of that flashing alarm on the plow was hurting her ears or simply the sight of this giant bearing down on us was a shock. Her tail locked between her legs and she began
trying to escape the leash by spinning around and around and succeeding only in getting herself all wrapped in it which made her panic more. Then another plow came on the scene.Then another.It was a nightmare.She was thrashing around like a bronco. And I was trying to get us away from the threat of being plowed over.I felt like i had a wriggling fish on a line. A big brown wriggling fish that was yelping and howling. We did eventually get home but she has been traumatized by the sound and those kind of trucks ever since then. Today the plows had been and the road was mostly clear.
But her ears were on high alert just in case the trucks suddenly came back to frighten her. We walked a bit.Sniffed the air again.She peed. And then we trotted off home to sit in front of a roaring fire.

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