Friday, February 1, 2013

ZZ Dog


I wish I could let my sleeping dog lie but this girl could win the Olympic gold medal for
sleeping if there was such an event. Pepper has her own special bed thats super comfortable and toasty warm. Unfortunately its my bed. Some time ago, during a storm that knocked out power to the house for days and the inside temperature dropped below freezing, she was granted access to the bed because she was shivering like an epileptic. And kind of like the table scraps thing discussed earlier, she took this exceptional treat as her divine right. So every night she settles down in what is the most uncomfortable position for me. Having a 70lb dog draped across your ankles can be quite painful let me tell you. The usual compromise we reach is that I curl up in a fetal position and she stays as is. Now,not only does this sleeping dog lie, she lies very unquietly. Many nights I have been woken by her imitation of a howling wolf as she dream chases some creature across the landscapes of her mind. Or if its not a muffled howl Im wakened by   a strange chuffing noise as she dream barks at imaginary squirrels and delivery men. When I get up in the morning its very early. I get up around 5 and these days thats still before dawn. I get up shower and dress and do this and that and come to take her out around 6. Trying to get her up and in her harness is always like trying to raise the Titanic. It often turns into a wrestling match and an undignified one at that. And when we come back me with my cheeks all aglow from the briskness of the morning air and Pepper with an empty bladder and bowels what does she do?  Goes straight to sleep.

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