Monday, January 28, 2013

The food fight continues

Pepper is still adjusting to having only dry food and it makes our daily walks a little fraught at times. Take this morning's walk for example.
`Why is it one rule for you and a different one for me?'
`Because you're a dog and I'm not and by the way what are you talking about ?'
`You eat stuff you shouldn't like potatoes and bread but I can't have
meat. Not crap-just a few scraps of meat! And may I remind you I am carnivore -carne as in means meat. And stop it with the carrots. I'm not bugs fucking bunny'
`If the language I'm imagining you addrerssing me with is a reflection of the tension here then 
I think you need to chill out.'
`So you can get fat and break your toilet seat but I have to starve?'
( she is referring to a real incident but I deny it was my fat ass that did it. I blame poor construction of the said seat). 
I said nothing.We just stared at each other.
I was determined not to be dragged down to her level so I simply gave a deep tut tut and continued  our walk in silence.

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