Friday, January 25, 2013

Where is he?

It's been a busy week and a fr-fr-fr-fr-freezing cold one too.Our walks have been as brisk as the weather.No wandering off into the woods and stopping to sniff the tree stumps.And Pepper's been quite focused too.Pee,poop,let's go home.So our imaginary conversations have been very twitter-esque.Most troublesome for Madame P is that I've been getting home very late,often past midnight.Hence the photo here which reflects her buddha-like patience waiting for me.
Waiting,waiting waiting to do our midnight rambler act.Maybe its because she's been roused from a warm bed early in the morning that she wants to get back to it ASAP but at night she wants to spend a long time in the great outdoors.Only thing is it's not great when its so so so cold.I'm the impatient one
hustling her to get back to the mothership. I feel guilty though.Maybe this weekend we'll do a longer walk and chat like we used to do.I think it will do us both good.

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