Monday, January 21, 2013

The dog days of January

Today was a chilly chilly morning and according to some paid expert today is blue Monday, the most depressing day of the year. 
I wasnt feeling it until I read that fact but I think poor Pepper knew because she is a hound with a bad case of the blahs. Over the Christmas holidays she got very spoiled with snacks and table scraps. It had started way before the holidays actually. And I think it was me who was to blame for it all. A taste of this here. Some gravy there. Seeing that she was not that thrilled to be eating dry food I began spicing it up by adding wet dog food to it.
But then she became jaded with that. So I decided arbitrarily that she should go cold turkey except not real cold turkey –cold dry food. Of course she does not like that. Not one little bit.  She now looks at me like Gordon Ramsey reviewing a bowl of slop thats just been served to him. I think shes trying to be on hunger strike in protest. She sniffs the bowl theatrically and walks away in disgust.
She has started making pitiable pleas for snacks until its time for bed. Then when the lights go out and her dignity can be preserved she grudgingly eats whats in her bowl. And next morning very publicly turns her nose up at what I give her  all over again. Oh Pepper! Youve got a bad bad case of those `why dont you give me none of that really meaty yummy tasty food no more instead of this shit' hound dog blues.

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