Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Chilly Dog

A brown dog on a brown chair in a brown study. That's my early morning and late night walking muse Pepper.As I took her walking today,the second day of the new year we pondered the notion of time,the passage of time,the meaning of time.Well not strictly true. Pepper wasn't thinking about that at all.The fact that this is 2013 is completely irrelevant to her. She lives in the now,in the second.
The smell of a squirrels breath in the distance wipes clear any thought she held 2 seconds ago.
What a blessing to be so alive to the moment and its possibilities and never be hampered by the burden of memories,regret or success.Everything just is.And at that point I began to feel frostbite setting into my fingers and walked quickly back home.My companion even with her tailor made fur coat feel the brisk morning air and if she was a little surprised by the urgency of my steps she just took it her stride.

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