Friday, January 4, 2013

Beware the Jabberwock

Walking this morning with Pepper,like Calvin and Hobbes,discussing the merits of the universe
and calculating the chances of being struck by meteorites when all of a sudden she came to a complete halt and started growling at a a patch of bushes.Now this is just after 6 this morning and pretty dark in the New Jersey suburbs.I, of course,freeze wondering what in heck it is that my trusty
guardian has discovered to threaten her beloved companion (me). The growl grumbles and increases in volume and then rather like an old car I used to have it comes to slow rumbling stop. And with that her tail wags and she sets off as though nothing has happened.What Jabberwock did she see there in the primeval darkness?What frumious bandersnatch?
She wouldn't tell.But whatever it was my fearless pal had seen it off.

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