Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Talking the dog

`So' said Pepper raising her nose out of the soggy clump of snow that smelled so deliciously
of raccoon piss, `what does it mean to be let go? Is it like you letting go of that harness you strap me into for our every day walks?'
`Yes' I said `kind of,well not really'
I could see she was already getting bored with the subject.The smell of rabbit was wafting from somewhere to the right.
`If I let go of the leash you'll go on a merry gallop...'
`I'm a dog.I don't gallop.Horses gallop.'
`ok you'll go on a merry run and then a half hour later you'll come back.Provided you haven't been run over by a car or shot by a hunter. For me,being let go means feeling powerless about falling into
nothingness and not being able to support my family which by the way includes buying food for you.'
She stopped and thought about that last point.
`Right then. Time to stop messing about out here.Let's go home.Sooner we're back sooner you go off to work and if you do it well enough maybe you won't be let go."
`Maybe' I said sounding not too convinced as we headed back  home.

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