Monday, January 14, 2013

A dog's life

What does that mean exactly -a dog's life. Hardship? Inhumane suffering? A worthless existence.
Or 18 hours of sleep on the most comfortable of surfaces,2 poops a day,5 pees and guaranteed food and fresh water.The life of `She-who-barks-bravely-through-the-window-at distant-squirrel' is
hard to feel sorry for.I always wonder what happened to her sister.When we rescued Pepper she was a little runty pup called Louise and she had an equally runty sister called Thelma.Their Mom didn't have enough nipples to accommodate them and her other pups and so Thelma and Louise  had been taken in by a kindly couple and that's where she was adopted from and in the move changed her name from Louise to Pepper. And Thelma? Who knows? The fate of so many dogs on rescue row is not a happy one. I hope she found a dog's life like her sister and I often look at Pepper muttering in her sleep and making little yippy noises and wonder is she dreaming of those barrel- belly pupster days? Or is she just bemoaning the relative discomfort of sleeping on the couch versus the armchair.

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