Thursday, February 14, 2013

Snow time like the present

It was before dawn as we wandered out across the treacherous arctic ice field that is my New Jersey neighborhood. The snow that fell over the weekend has mutated into a crispy cold topping that collapses under ones weight to send your feet (in my case) or your belly (in Peppers case) crashing through a wet compote of sleety sludge. At first we pretended we were racing towards the
South Pole. I had eaten all my fellow travellers in the first week and reinforced my rickety sled with their bones. I had also eaten all of my darling sled team with the exception of lead dog Pepper. Wolves, or worse, were howling and prowling around us their wicked eyes flashing from behind the trees. I tapped into my inner Jack London as I contemplated disemboweling Pepper to distract them while I made a mad but tragic rush for cover.  Peppers long-suffering sigh as she turned away from me to sniff a deer print brought me back to reality. Somewhere in the distance a neighbors Jack Russell yipped to be let in and the arctic adventure became just another suburban stroll.

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