Saturday, February 23, 2013

Dishing on the dawg

Ive said that Pepper is a princess of indeterminate lineage. A sniffer, a shepherd, a hunter, and now 
I have discovered another limb on her family tree, a dishwasher retriever. Like Pavlov ringing a bell all I to do is open the dishwasher door and shes there in a snap with her tongue darting in and out like an ant-eater as she goes after any and all food fragments. I worry that one of these days Ill decapitate her by slamming the door on her head in my hurry to stop her eating leftover curry or onion gravy. She can be asleep like a log in another room but between the click of the handle and opening of the door shes there alert and in full food siphoning mode. Ever since going hard core on the food issues and trying to keep her to prepared dog food she has become extra attentive to any human food opportunity. If I take a knife out of the kitchen drawer she appears in anticipation of a food moment. Its the same when I open the fridge door or anything wrapped in tinfoil. Its not as though she is suffering. Her weight hasnt changed. But shes still pissed off about the food thing. Often she will ignore the kibble all day and then eat it out of desperation at bedtime. Now that the American Kennel Club has recognized the Tree Walking Coon Hound how long before the Bosch Goal Hanging Grub Hound gets its day in the arena?

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