Tuesday, February 19, 2013


When little hair took me out this morning he tried having an existential discussion
comparing and contrasting Utopia, Dystopia and Erewhon. His point of view was,
and it may have been triggered by the brutally cold weather we had over the past
few days, that Utopia was always sunny and warm where Dystopia was always bleak
mid-winter. I had to agree that dystopian movies like 1984 or the Hunger Games or The Lion, 
the Witch and the Wardrobe do have a grey leaden look about them that makes you feel cold and uncomfortable in a shivery way. They make me want to seek out the shaft of icy sunlight that warms up as it comes through the front room window and creates a suntrap to snooze in. And one never hears of Hawaiian dystopia its true. The Lotus-eaters were not in some bleak muscovite terrain.  So if Utopia is the opposite of dystopia it would be logical that Utopia would be warm and garden of eden-ish.  Erewhon is difficult to put a finger on. That could be because I dont actually have fingers. And Im not that familiar with Samuel Butlers story. But from the Cliff notes I understand it looks like Utopia but is all FUBAR. While he was prattling on in the god-help-me pretentious vein I was sniffing the traces of a dog-related prowler. Not a wolf. Maybe a fox. Could be a coyote. The urine was a few hours old and I think I have a little cold coming on. I have to be on the alert. Little hair doesnt get these scents at all. All high and mighty talk but no
great sensory perception. So tell me again how his tribe become the higher order mammal?

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